Advanced Surgical Care

Advanced Surgical Care at

Challenger Vet Hospital

At Challenger Vet Hospital, the welfare of our patients is always our number one priority. In addition to routine surgeries such as spays and neuters, our experienced surgical team can confidently perform more complex surgeries, including TPLO surgery, large tumour removals, foreign body surgery, and some orthopaedics.

How do veterinarians determine the best surgical option for a pet?

Our experienced surgical team determines the best surgical option for a pet through a comprehensive evaluation process that typically includes the following steps.

Physical Examination: The veterinarian conducts a thorough physical exam to assess the pet's overall health and identify any specific issues.

Medical History: Gathering information about the pet's medical history, including previous illnesses, surgeries, and ongoing health conditions, helps make informed decisions.

Diagnostic Testing: This may involve blood tests, X-rays, ultrasounds, or other imaging techniques to further understand the pet's condition and the severity of the issue.

Assessment of Risks: The veterinarian evaluates potential risks associated with surgery, considering the pet's age, breed, weight, and underlying health conditions.

Consultation with Specialists: In complex cases, veterinarians may refer the pet to a specialist with expertise in a specific surgical area.

Owner Input: Veterinarians discuss surgical options with pet owners, explaining the benefits and risks of each procedure and allowing owners to make informed decisions based on their pet's needs.

Individualised Treatment Plans: The surgical option is tailored to the pet's condition, ensuring the most effective and least invasive approach for the individual.

Once all these factors have been considered, we can recommend the most appropriate surgical intervention for each pet.

A veterinary operating theatre with two surgents dressed in protective cloting undertaking a surgery on a patient
A 5 photo collage consisting of a before, during and after photo of Golden Retriever during a eyelid tumour removal.
The image contains 4 xray images of a canine fracture repair on a back limb. The first two xrays shows the break and the last two xray images shows a plate and screws in place to reset the limb to repair the fracture.

At Challenger Vet Hospital, we provide advanced surgical care, offering an extensive range of veterinary surgical procedures, including:

  • Tumour Removal

  • Nare Surgery

  • TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)

  • Orthopaedic Surgery (e.g., fracture repair, ligament repair)

  • Dental Surgery (e.g., tooth extraction, dental cleanings)

  • Gastropexy (to prevent bloat)

  • Enterotomy (foreign body removal)

  • Cystotomy (bladder surgery)

  • Entropion Correction (eyelid surgery)

  • Hernia Repair

  • Soft Tissue Surgery (e.g., mass removals, abscess drainage, flap advancement techniques)

  • Desexing: Spey Surgery (Ovariohysterectomy) and Neuter Surgery (Castration)

  • Caesarean Section

These procedures may vary depending on the species and the specific health requirements of the individual.

3 photo collage of a Dogue De Bordeaux before during and after Nare surgery preformed on narrow nasal passages to widen for ease of breathing..
The image have 2 xrays clearly showing two different patients' bladder stones and the picture result of bladderstones that were removed from patients.

"Extremely helpful and supportive. Always happy to give more information to help you understand any pet problems and the pricing is exceptional. Is an hour away from my house but always worth the travel. They are the best."